Gunner Andersohn Gigs in Heaven

Gunner Andersohn – Worked, Played, Lived, and Loved!

My father Gunner Andersohn passed away last week Tuesday while I was away in Seattle. This is the first time in my life that I have so few words available and yet so much to say. Just a few weeks ago, I flew back to Sierra Vista, Arizona to be at his bedside. I will never forget nor regret those last moments with my Dad, they were priceless.

You can never be prepared or in the right place to get “that call” which unfortunately comes to us all at some point. Saying goodbye to one of the most important people in my life is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The lump in my throat, the queasy stomach, and unstoppable tears are merely a sign of the love that I have for my father.

The last and most memorable words my father spoke to me were at his bedside when he said “I Love You” then asked me to read him the 23rd Psalm from his Bible. This particular verse seemed to give him hope, faith, and helped put his heart and spirit at peace. I will never forget those moments with him.

I’m sad to see him go, he was only 85 years young, but I’m relieved he’s no longer in pain and suffering.

His legacy will live on through his friends and family. His musical talents and gifts will continue to be handed down from one generation to the next. He will be loved always, missed forever, and will now rest in peace for eternity. Our family created a Memorial for Dad that will let others continue enjoying his music that he so loved to share.


So many wonderful people and friends have been by our side with supporting thoughts and prayers. I could never imagine what it would be like to go through something like this all alone, yet I know there are folks that have. I am so grateful and blessed to have a family and such wonderful friends that step up and are there for us when we need them most. The greatest gift in life is people and the giving of their time.

Since I was just a small boy, this was one of my favorite songs he played.

Click Here to Play “Three O’clock”

One day, my heart will find all the right words and the perfect song shall be created, played and dedicated to my father. But right now, I just need to get through the loss. Until then, the world may have one less person, but the heavens have gained one more great man with a talented spirit and soul. I owe an insurmountable amount of appreciation and gratitude to one of the greatest people who ever walked this earth, and who now roams the upper plains and finally rests in peace… My Dad, Gunner “G-Man” Andersohn.

The Andersohn Boys

My father always signed off on his letters and post cards with a signature that read…

Musically Yours,

Gunner Andersohn

In his loving memory, I will now carry on his tradition and signature…
“Musically Yours!”

Brad and Gunner Andersohn

“I love and miss you Dad, but KNOW I will see you again one day!”

Gunner W. Andersohn had his first gig in Heaven on 3/8/2011
July 15th, 1925 – March 8th, 2011


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