Pink is My Favorite Color…or NOT

I remember what it was like to be let go from my company where I had over 20 years with them.  It’s not only a shock, it is devistating.  Looking back, it’s probably the best thing that ever happened to me because now I am with the greatest company I could ever ask for, ActiveRain Corp. 

I’m reblogging this post for obvious reasons.  A fellow AR member (and very dear friend) Missy Caulk has experienced some major turmoil in her life with her husband losing his job as a teacher.  We are all reaching out and supporting the Caulk family by asking for not only your positive thoughts and prayers, but for the World of Social Media of family and friends to pull together and help find her Husband Mike a job in the Tennessee.  Read her post below…..

Please take the time to reblog her post, twitter your followers, facebook your friends, and get Mike LinkedIn to a position he has worked hard for, been dedicated to, and most certainly deserves.  Let’s show the World and the Caulk family the power of Social Media Networking and the hearts of friends who really care.  Help! Thanks. 

Via Missy Caulk-Ann Arbor- Realtor(R)- Ann Arbor Real Estate (Keller Williams-Ann Arbor):

Pinked SlippedTuesday my husband was given a pink slip from Belleville High School. He is history teacher and social studies teacher. He is tenured.

I was shocked

The schools in Michigan are handing out a lot of pink slips including: Flint 257, Detroit 600, Pontiac everyone, Lansing 170.

Last year at Belleville High School, (where he teaches) they didn’t let enough teachers go so in October after the enrollment count they had to redo classes.   Mike was not one of them.

When they change the class sizes some students go and some classes are dropped and it is disruptive. So this year they are letting 90 go and then hiring back.

If you are pinked slipped and hired back you can still be let go in October after the enrollment count.

Can you stay unstable?



I don’t want your sympathy but your advice, prayers and help.Boo hoo

I want to see if Social Media (which we all hail) can get my husband a job.

 In Tennessee

Most of you know I am from the South and we have hoped to move back there when we retired if not before.

So I am asking you if you know anyone in Tennessee, the Nashville Area to please pass along my husband’s name.  We have looked and there are 5 History teaching positions available in the Nashville, Williamson County Area, which he is applying for.

However, it is not what you know but WHO YOU KNOW.

A little bragging:

My husband is an outstanding teacher. Every year his classes fill up and if a student is removed for scheduling issues…mom and dad demand they be put back in Mr. Caulk’s class.

Mike does all of his lesson plans on Power Point, uses YouTube and the news this week by Uncle Jake.  He is a fun, and an engaging history teacher. Making the subject  come alive for his students. 

Everyday at school for 5 years, he would check out the over-head projector so this year, the administration bought him one.  I can count on my ONE hand the days he has missed in the last 6 years, even returning the day after he had stints put in his heart. 

Social Media is more than Twitter, more than FaceBook it is like attending a Chamber of Commerce meeting that extends outside four walls.

Can Social Media help find Mike A JOB?

They say if you want to adopt a baby tell everyone you know. So I am telling everyone I know.  Any help would be so appreciated, especially if you know anyone in the Nashville area that teaches, a principal or works in Administration. ( If you do I will email you his resume.)

When one door closes, another one opens so we are thinking and hoping this might be an open door to move and settle in TN. First of all we are believing God will open a door if we are to move forward with a job in Tn.  But, we know He works through people, so hence my appeal to you here on Activerain.

I figure if Jay McGullicuddy can find his birth mother and Brad Andersohn his brother,….

ALL things are Possible on Activerain.


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