Solano County Realtors – Join The Newbies Group!

 Brad Andersohn Blog 101 Class


Yesterday was our first class on BLOGGING for the Solano Association of Realtors members.  As the Technology Committee Chair, together with Mike Mueller from Patagonia Finance, we introduced BLOGGING and Active Rain to around 40 Realtors. Each Realtor paid $5.00 to attend the class. The money collected was donated to the "Teachers Wish List", a local charity that raises funds for local schools.

The Real Estate Professionals in this group just wanted to know — What is a BLOG? 

They were not dissappointed, we covered:

  • Definition and Benefits of Blogging  
  • 5 reasons to BLOG for your (Solano County) Real Estate Business 
  • 10 things to not do when BLOGGING your clients in Solano County
  • 101 things to BLOG about – that will increase your Real Estate Referrals
  • Content is "KING" 
  • Finding Quality Real Estate Professionals on Active Rain
  • Technology Tools to invest in

We will be having follow-up training to teach each of the new Active Rain members in the Vallejo, Benicia and Solano County Areas. Future classes will include how to navigate, utilize Active Rain for BLOGGING, networking, building referrals, and understanding search engine optimization (SEO).

I am very grateful to Active Rain for all their support and guidance with these Real Estate Tools. The members are great, the support with this new technology is unbelievable, the networking is priceless, and the benefits are awesome.  All this and it's…FREE! Since I joined the Active Rain Network 3 weeks ago, I have achieved the following;

If you're new to Active Rain, don't do like I did, and miss joining the Newbie Group.  I'll save you alot of time…go there right now!!

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