Top 20 Best Online Webtools

These free online webtools will help keep your computer, connections, websites, and blogs at the top of their game when used correctly and regularly.  There are a multitude and variety of FREE services and tools on the web but only a handful will make this list.

An excellent resource and tool to check your internet connection speed.

check broken links, spelling, compatibility, accessibility,  standards validation SEO issues.

Check and Validate your ATOM, RSS, and KML Feeds on any site.

Google Analytics

Complete Reports and Analysis of your websites and blogs.

Check Page Rank of any website pages and blogs instantly.

Provides ranking widgets for those sites you rank high and wish to share.

Check any Internet host’s reachability and measure latency  in communication.

Test the load-time of any Internet webpage or site.  What’s your load time?

Best place to Look-up, Manage, Monitor, and Analyze WHOIS and IP Information.

There’s always more than one. Discover the best websites and alternatives on the web.

A suite of testing products and services for inquiry minds who MUST know.

Find and evaluate businesses worldwide with Alexa’s free web analytics.

Measuring the digital world and the preferred source of digital business analytics.

What’s YOUR website or blog look like in THEIR browser and all browsers?

A Website monitoring service.

A free chat service and tool that detects IP addr’s, anylizes traffic and data live.

Provides FREE (basic) Anonymous Web Surfing Restrictions.

See if any website or blog is really getting the traffic they claim.

50 Google Tools and Products

Get Web, Mobile, Media, GEO, Home & Office, Social, Specialized search and more.

These are the sites and tools I use on a regular basis and share with others seeking to get the most out of their world-wide web endeavors.

Comments (7)

  1. Now if only I could find a way to speed up my site! I checked out your tool and I’m S-L-O-W–no, I’m SUPER slow! And, I just closed another transaction from using ZoPim–I just keep forgetting to logon when I’m online.

    Great list, Brad!

    • Brad Andersohn

      Debe – I can relate. That screen shot at the top of this post was my Internet speed while at the main office at Zillow up in Seattle, you DON’T want to see the speed I have here locally in my home or office. The only true way to get it faster is to get a faster ISP but you’ll have to pay for it.

  2. Shane Feng

    Brad, thanks for the web tools list! Live chat is very useful tool for every business. We’ve been using Chatra for a few months now and are pretty happy with it.

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