The Embedr – A Multiple RE Video Player

The Embedr – A Multiple Video Player is a fantastic tool for allowing Youtube users to place multiple (up to 50) videos into a single player.  Search by topic or use individual video URL’s to compile and provide a unique and powerful video experience for your readers, subscribers, and viewers.  The Embedr is Free

How To Improve Video and Images – Get SEO

How To Improve your Video and Images for Higher Ranking in the search engines. Matt Cutts from Google explains a few ways you can accomplish this. He shares some great ideas on using and adding meta-data and user generated content.  The idea of using captioning in Video is brilliant!  You provide the transcripts and youtube

Google for The Real Estate Professional

Google for The Real Estate Professional Who’s looking for a home on the Internet? Who’s using search engines to find out information about an area or to relocate?  Who researches the web to find a lender, inspector, home warranty or title company?  The consumer is, which might be your next potential client.  What is the

The Real Power of Youtube Marketing Exposed

The Real Power of Youtube Marketing – Real Estate Video on Youtube? The POWER and Reality of  Real Estate Marketing using Video on Youtube may very well be Realized after you watch this video.  Youtube is the second largest “most searched” website in the world following  TurnHere and ReelSEO created this short video on location