2013 Real Estate Buyer and Seller Profile

The National Association of REALTORS® provides annual highlights from the profile of home buyers and home sellers every year and then makes it available publicly. If you’re not sure where to find the report, then you’re just like me?! You know it’s out there, you know it’s on their site somewhere, but who has 15+ minutes to go digging around the web to try and find it? I Do! So I did, and I’m adding it right here for all of you who by chance might find this interesting and valuable information useful? That is if you’re in the real estate industry of course. Enjoy!

Highlights From the 2013 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers

Now if you liked the report above, you’re going to love having access to this “Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends report which views and addresses all 5 generations of the home buying and selling groups. Gen X and Gen Y make of the majority of the pool, but take a look at some of the generational trends and how you might want to plan and prepare for what’s ahead in the real estate market.

2014 Nar Home Buyer Seller Generational Trends

You too can find more great info and article at REALTOR.ORG

DISCLAIMER: This blog is my personal resource and archive library for real estate technology, mobile apps, free websites and online tools, and pretty much anything I find on or off the web that I know I’ll be looking for and need to find at a later date and time.

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