EmbedPlus Player for Youtube Videos

Embedplus.com allows you to select any Youtube video and create some custom additional features to the video player. If you’re going to use it on your WordPress Blogs and sites, you’ll need to install the WordPress Embedplus Plugin first. There are some really cool and useful features in the Embedplus Player, try it out and see for yourself.

[embedplusvideo height=”380″ width=”500″ standard=”https://www.youtube.com/v/hvGfCJZEIpw?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=hvGfCJZEIpw&width=500&height=380&start=&stop=&hd=1&react=1&chapters=60,120,180,240,300&notes=” /]

Here’s a screen shot taken from their website that shows the “Before” or “Standard” and then the “After” or the “Plus” once you add the embedplus player.  You’ll notice quite a difference in the playback options area. Notice the added features?

All you have to do is select the video URL from Youtube and EmbedPlus will walk you through the rest.  You can go Hi-Def, add annotations, select scenes for those longer videos and more. Definitely worth checking out if you’re wanting to add more features and interactivity to your videos.  A great new FREE tool for any video enthusiasts out there.

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