Free Image, Graphics and Photo Sites

Just because you can right click on and save any image on the internet to your computer doesn’t mean that you should.  Using saved images you’ve borrowed, photos that you’ve captured and saved or STOLEN, is definitely a no-no in the eyes of copyright attorneys and can be a costly mistake  if and when you get caught.  So DON’T DO IT!

Here are some sites that we’ve compiled where you can use images, photos, and graphics for free unless stated otherwise.  Some of these sites in the future may evolve to bigger and better or lesser than desired but today they are FREE, just be sure to keep up with ANY sites terms of service and public usage agreements.


Free Image sites:

• (some are NOT free)
• (Clip Art)
•  (owned by Getty Images)

 Paid Image Sources:

These sites may require registration and/or payment for use of their images.
Read the ToS before you download!


Photo Sharing Services:

These services may require registration and/or membership fees, and the pictures may require permission from the owner or other restrictions prior to download. Read the ToS before you download any image.


This is a good starting list to help you find images, photos, and graphics for your websites and blogs.  Also remember that there is nothing wrong with paying for images, graphics, and photos as I fully support and endorse the “arts” and believe in rewarding those who work hard and are creative in providing their works for others to use and enjoy!

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  1. Pingback: free graphics images - GRAFIC DESIGN – GRAFIC DESIGN

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