Do you have a mobile app? How about for your business? You know, one that your clients can download and use on their mobile devices? If you’re considering an app for mobile, you’re in the right spot.
Let me show you how to create a mobile app that can be shared with anyone who has a mobile device and I’ll show you how to do it for absolutely free. Best of all, you can do it all online by yourself and at your leisure without a programmer, no developer experience, and with no software.
This tutorial walks you through each step in creating and building your mobile app.
Go to Mobile By Conduit, click on “Create App” enter your web address URL, click “Create App”
Wait just a moment for the Mobile Conduit generator to grab your information, then start building your mobile app with all the bells and whistles you’d like. You can completely customize your unique mobile app here.
NOTE: This is where you can add your Social Media pages, your Facebook Business and fan pages, RSS feeds from ANY site, video, pictures, contact forms, about you or your company pages, additional websites and links, contact information, local area events, custom pages, and more.
Notice there are 3 tabs at the top of the build page.
The first tab is for your mobile app content, the second tab is for style and design, and the third tab is for information and app details. Utilize each of these areas and features to help you build your new mobile app with Seattle company that designs websites.
Once you have everything in place, your images and links all setup, your icons and buttons customized and selected, click on the “Save & Continue” button to complete your mobile app. You can also create a custom URL for the app where is will be housed and accessible. IE:
The Mobile App Landing Page
Your mobile app landing page is now ready to share. It also has a custom and unique QR Code for users to scan and download your app along social media buttons so they can share with their friends and sphere of influence.
The final step in this process is to market and promote your mobile app on your websites, your blogs, your online profiles, and out in the real world. One suggestion is to create a custom graphic or icon that links directly to your hosted landing page as seen below.
“Created For This Tutorial” “Created To Test and Demo”
If you want your app to have unlimited downloads, be available in the app stores, and have full analytics and reporting capabilities, there is a fee but well worth it just for those features alone. You can also allow advertising on your mobile app from Conduit should you want to off-set some of those fees.
Remember: We live in a mobile, social, and local world which is exactly why you’re here reading this and why you’ll want an app (your app) out there and available to clients and potential customers. View the BradsDomain mobile app example in the gallery preview below, built in less than an hour.
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Brad Andersohn
web design North Carolina