Google+ has launched the new Google+ Communities.
Now anyone can create a group or community to connect with others in the same industry, and invite those with like-minded interests. Before creating a new community or group, you may want to see if that group already exists. By the time you find and read this post, there’s a good chance that someone you know in one of your circles will have beat you to the draw.
In any case, here’s the steps to creating a new community on Google+.
1. Go to: “Google+ Communities”
2. “Sign in” or “Join Google+”
3. Click on the “New Communities” icon located on the navigation bar
4. Option A: Search for an existing Community
4. Option B: Click the “Create A Community” to start a new one of your own.
5. Decide if your community will be “Public” or “Private”
(note: If you select “private” it can not be changed later)
6. Name your Google+ Community and chose who can join
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7. Click the “Create Community” button on the lower right-hand side
8. Now write a “tagline“, pick a “community photo/image“, complete the “about section“, and add a few “categories“.
The only thing left to do now is invite people to the community and share a link with those you think may have an interest in joining, contributing, or participating.
There are two ways to do this.
One: Use the “Invite” link option in the “actions” pull-down menu located just beneath your community photo/image.
Two: Use the Unique URL located in the browser address bar to send out to friends and colleagues in email or on SMM.
Note: You can also use alternate keywords for your link: example – Cool Free Web Stuff