Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, usually no more than a few inches according to Wikipedia
Mobile devices, smartphone technology, and NFC are about to change the world!
The Motley Fool boldly claims that “Your cash and credit cards may soon be worthless.” Why? More importantly the company Co-Founder, David Gardner shares an impressive and detailed video on how investors and interested individuals can capitalize on this ground breaking technology and earth shaking opportunity. What is the ONE STOCK the Motley Fool’s Top Stock picker is buying to kick off 2014?
Watch This video to learn more
“A cutting-edge technology may force the plastic in your wallet to go the way of the typewriter… the VCR… and the 8-track tape player. Find out how in the new FREE video from The Motley Fool.“
While the video towards the end does offer the opportunity to sign up and subscribe to quite an array of fooly fully guaranteed items, products and services etc., it will also cover and deliver some very thought provoking ideas and suggestions along with some facts that will open your eyes and really get you thinking. At least you’ll come away with the knowledge and understanding of what’s about to take place.
BOTTOM LINE – NFC IS the wave of the future!
Did you know…
- There is a Mobile World Congress that will be holding a conference in Barcelona Spain in February of 2014?
Check out this list of Exhibitors. - Have you been in the dark regarding NFC? Mashable has plenty of NFC content to enlighten you and get you up to speed.
- TechCrunch offers a ton of articles and plethora of related posts to put you in the “know” of NFC
- This article explains how NFC will replace your wallet, keys, credit cards and more.
- Does your phone have NFC? Here’s a List of Phones with NFC and Phones without NFC
- Are you aware of the NFC ring that Kickstarter helped reach the capitol necessary to launch the ring?
Would you have invested in companies like AOL, Apple, Priceline, and Amazon had you known the impact and change they’d have on their industries? Exactly! In this Motley Fool’s Rule Breaker’s article, that question and your answer may have the chance and opportunity to come to fruition with the newest and latest global movement that’s about to take place right before our eyes!
NFC Resources and Sites
NFC World
The NFC Forum
How Stuff Works – NFC Tags
Engadget NFC 2013 Articles
Android NFC Developers Guide