FREE Photos and Graphics and Clip-Art Oh My…

 Some of the best posts and blogs I have ever seen, stood out more because of the photos and graphics.  Many of my posted photos are taken by me, but what about some of those awesome graphics and clipart you see in many blogs?  Where do these people find these creative and post-related cool graphics?

Some photos and images are protected by copyright laws and SHOULD NEVER be used in your blog or on your website.  However, there are many websites that also offer FREE graphics, photos, backgrounds and clipart.

Search google for a specific item, and then only select images, graphics and photos that are public domain and not copyright protected or stamped by an author, website, or company.  Since we all have camera phones with digital cameras built in, and many of us do take our own photos, it would be nice to have a place on Active Rain that allowed members to contribute and access graphics and photos for their posts. Until then, there is plenty out there for you to choose from.  

Here are just a few of those sites you might want to check out. 

Here’s a few others I’d like to mention:
The Web Squeeze
– 40 FREE Photo sites for Commercial use. is made up of 117253 images with 151 sections organized into 3279 categories.
FREE Webpage Headers has hundreds to chose from.  Very nice selection.
FREE Artistic Photos – Nice shots taken for you to use.  Great selections here. – Thousands of royalty free pictures here, more than you’ll ever need.
FREE Logo Maker – This one is simply a snap!! , Custom Sign Generator  and offer FREE and very cool stuff.

There are more than 1,000,000 free images, photos, graphics, clipart and backgrounds out on the web.  They can be used on your websites, your blogs, your flyers, publications, and email etc. If you don’t like any of them, or are looking for something custom, use your camera phone or digital, and go shoot your own.

I have written a few posts just based on a photo I had taken, or an idea that came from a particular graphic.  If a picture tells a thousand stories, wouldn’t you like access to a thousand pictures?  Enjoy these sites and I wish you continued Blogging successes!!

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