I’ll Show You Mine, If You’ll Show Me Yours…

Silly, I was referring to your work space where you Blog!!  I got this idea from a post by Teresa Boardman regarding Real Estate Technology.  I have gotten to know so many of you, and many on a personal level.  I have often wondered, will I ever get to meet some of these wonderful people I have Blogged with hundreds of miles away?  All we have are each others photos, comments, posts, emails and some occasional phone calls.

So, I was wondering (this is very personal), what does your Blogging workspace look like?  I am sharing "the real" me and (myspace) with you.  All I ask, is that you shoot a photo of yours, and post it back here to share with me and all the other readers?!  Use your cell phone, digital camera, Polaroid and scanner, whatever works for you, and post it here.  We want to see where you spend your "TON OF HOURS" (like us) with your Real Estate Business and your Blogging.  How fun is this???   🙂 Something to get your mind off the Market for a few minutes.

Brad Andersohn's Home Office   Brad Andersohn's Recording Studio  Brad's Wifes Workspace

       My Blogging Space at Home Office                    My Recording Console at Home Office       The Lovely Wife of Affiliate Andersohn's Throne

Bryant Tutas, don't even think about it!  I know you're going to upload some crazy video of you singing, dancing, snoring, or something like that!  We want to see the photo of your office and your Blog Work Space!!  You can even upload a photo of TLW's, but make it good!!  (get even time for the burnt toast)  LOL

I'm going to do the same thing Broker Bryant did with his photo contest, whoever places a photo of their Blogging Headquarters (your computer work area or desk) here, will be eligible for the Grand Prize of…..I'll have to think of something, but it'll be good!!  Well, are you posting your photo yet?  Don't be shy, let us all see where your greatest work and blogs are created.  Thanks for sharing!

All Content Copyright Protected © 2007 – The Escrow Guy                                 

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