12.21.12 – The End of The World

Well we woke up this morning realizing it was 12/21/12, the day the Mayan Calendar predicted the end of the world.

Our first instinct was to go outside after we rolled out of bed at 6am this morning, and see if the world was gone and we just over-slept?  To our surprise, there was an eerie quiet and our first visual was a full blown rainbow in the Northern sky.


The clouds were mysteriously rolling by as if they were on some sort of time-lapsed video player, and there were fire colored rays of light shining in the eastern sky.


Surrounded by total silence and these elements, my wife and I looked at each other in a bit of awe, sighed a subtle sigh of relief, then went back in the house to brew our daily cup of coffee and begin our daily rituals. The world is still here and we’ve got work to do.

This Prezi was very informative, well put together, features some great effects and audio, and helps explain what I could hardly understand.  It will shed some light on the Mayan culture, myths, predictions, legends etc., and the tale of “The end of the World as we know it!”


Now the day is not yet over here for us on the Pacific West Coast, so if you’re in a different time zone, and you know something we don’t, please don’t spoil it for us.  I’m about to run out and grab some Chinese food for dinner and watch a movie with the family.  If for any reason you don’t see any more articles on this site after this one, then you know what happened… and we’ll see you up there, and on the other side.  🙂

Comments (1)

  1. Another day of getting cnoetnt in and a few hours building some great training modules. Our new membership software is being installed, be patient. This may take a day or two. See ya soon .T J

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