7 Tips to Great PowerPoint Presentations

Have you ever seen a “GREAT” speaker or presenter, but their PowerPoint presentation sucked? Putting together a super impressive and memorable slideshow requires some time and effort if you really want to WOW your audience.       Many presenters, myself included, tend to lean toward having too much content, too many words, and typically way

Tripadvisor’s TripWow One-Click Videos

OK, maybe it was two… or three clicks… but this is really cool! Using photos that you’ve uploaded and posted on Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, or on your own computer, Tripadvisor’s TripWow creates custom videos with a single mouse click.  You can also completely customize them if you wish.  Customize the themes, music, captions, titles, and

Top Facebook Timeline Covers

Facebook hosts over 1,000,000,000 user profiles and is considered the largest and most trafficked site and social network in the world.  The first thing visitors, friends, and family see on your Facebook timeline or business/fan page is your picture and cover photo. First impressions are important. Here’s your chance, (maybe only chance) to have a

Google Powered Intelligence Alerts

Staying alert while driving your car is really important right?  Well staying alerted while on the Super-Information-Highway is critically important to your online business success too.  Getting automatic and custom alerts from Google is a brand new feature which just launched yesterday.  Google calls it Intelligent Alerts. Many online business Pro’s both large and small