3D Virtual Real Estate Company – Realty and Reality
It’s a new day in the world of Real Estate and the uses of Technology. Discussions and the topic of a 3D Virtual Real Estate Office were only that in that past, just discussions! Not anymore. eXp Realty allowed us an exclusive “virtual tour” yesterday of their 100% Virtual Real Estate Brokerage. While the concept may be new to many Brokers and managers in the Industry, it’s nothing new for the team and developers over at eXp.
Is this truly what the Real Estate Brokerage and Company’s will look like in the future? Here’s what this one looks like in a Virtual 3D environment today, and it’s fully functional and 100% operational!
A Virtual Real Estate Office brings an entirely different value to today’s “Tech Savvy” Real Estate Agent and Broker. The possibilities and benefits of this concept are limitless. The cost of a brick and mortar office, the overhead, the management of staff and meetings, training, and collaboration can be daunting and expensive. The time spent traveling with traffic, gas prices, daily interruptions, all while living in a world that is trying to go green may have just found a solution!