I have always wanted to capture a photo of a hummingbird in flight, but it is almost impossible. If you’re a photographer, you know what I mean. I went into the backyard this afternoon to help my son do the yard-work, and we noticed that the bougainvillea tree needed some trimming.
As I got closer to the thorny limbs, I noticed a hummingbird sitting on the branch not two feet away from me. Getting a shot like this was like capturing lightning on film. Definately a rare photo opportunity.
I slowly backed away, ran into the house, grabbed my Panasonic with the Leica lens, and managed to return before the bird had received clearance from flight control. This time, he let me come within a foot to capture this shot just before he flew away. These birds are FAST! In two seconds, he/she was gone!! I took 40 shots in burst mode and got a couple really good ones from different angles.
I know this has nothing to do with anything, other than sometimes, it’s just being in the right place, at the right time. Isn’t life the same way?
Sometimes we are in the right place at the right time, but sometimes, we just miss it! I am guilty!
For me, today was a lesson in life. I have never been able, or quick enough to get a photo of the hundreds of hummingbirds I have seen in my lifetime, yet I have always wanted to. It’s true, good things do come to those who wait. Are you reading between the lines here? What good things are waiting to happen for you. Don’t give up, they may be just around the corner!! Don’t miss your Kodak Moment! 🙂