What Your Blog CAN Do For You

ActiveRain Success Stories – What Your Blog CAN Do For You

Today I was talking on the phone with a New ActiveRain member ready to become a RainMaker, but wanted to know some of the successes and benefits that other members here had experienced from being here.  I shared the “Success Stories” link located on the AR Homepage.  Then, as I started looking for some Blog posts to share with her, I discovered that there are literally hundreds, even thousands of these success stories scattered all through-out the community. 

After spending a couple hours scouring the network, I was able to come up with some really good examples of how other members are using AR to promote their business, connect with others, generate referrals, capitalize on our SEO, get picked up by the news media, grow their business, and in many cases, make hundreds of thousands of dollars just from their ActiveRain Blogs. 

I joined ActiveRain, and here’s what happened…

“I have roughly $2 million in contracts and potential business at the moment which is exclusively from people who found my AR posts” – Jason Crouch

“I just received my 43 referral from the rain” – Larry Bettag

“ActiveRain has put over $122,000 into my pocket, spread over 17 different buyers and sellers” – Donna Harris

“ActiveRain Does Not Rain! It Pours! $1,300,000 Closing Because of the Power of Active Rain!” – Katerina Gasset

“Just in the last 2 months, I have closed on 6 transactions just from blogging” – Jeff Belonger

“I have already placed three homes on the market, in the last 30 days, that were direct results of ActiveRain…” – Bryant Tutas

“At this point I am reaping the rewards of ActiveRain. Thank you Active Rain, it does work!” – Tinker Hulse

“What’s Better than a Referral Form from ActiveRain?” – Kathleen “Kate” Elim

“Active Rain has put me on the map. I receive at least THREE calls each week..”.” – Donald Bradbury

“This is a testimony to how ActiveRain has impacted our Business” – Mariana Wagner

“NBC picked up my blog… How do I EVEN BEGIN to thank ActiveRain” – Craig Schiller

“How Blogging Put Me On the Evening News” – Janet Guilbault

“I have been contemplating my “Rainmaker” status for a month or two” – Will Goodson

“So does blogging on Activerain bring business?” YES, YES, YES!” – Missy Caulk

“Brad Andersohn and Bob Stewart may actually know what they’re talking about” – Suesan Jenifer Therriault

There are so many great stories and testimonials from our members.  It seems as though a new success story or “Victory” post goes up nearly everyday.  These stories and testimonials should be persuasive enough to get you following successful members, subscribing to their Blogs, witnessing their successes, and following in their footsteps as rainmakers to create and build your own success stories here.

If you have a success story you’ve written about, we’d love for you to share it.  Just leave me a link to your post.  Hearing what other members have done here is great, but experiencing these successes for yourself is the REAL convincing factor, and WILL BE your motivation to Blog.  YOUR unique stories will be YOUR greatest reward.  Reading these, and seeing how and what these members did will hopefully help confirm your decision to be here as a successful RainMaker in YOUR area and community. 

Here’s to your success and the rewards you obtain from your efforts here in the “rain!”  🙂

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