The traditional real estate model and brokerage has changed! The old model that existed since the early 1900’s is no longer practical or even realistic for today’s mobile savvy agent and Internet driven society. The technology, the tools and systems, the people and even the way we communicate have all changed and in a variety of ways.
Join eXp Realty President Jason Gesing and Brad Andersohn for this Google Hangout interview to drill down and discuss the unique elements that differentiate eXp Realty from other traditional bricks and mortar brokerages and models. Join us and invite a friend.
Here’s an eye opener to what the Future of real estate looks like, but happening today!
After exploring eXp’s agent-owned model and cloud-based culture for yourself, feel free to share this with others you believe might benefit. While it may not be a perfect fit for you right now, it’s likely you know someone or many who’d be a perfect fit for this model.
The original brokerage model was probably created from behind a horse and buggy back in the early 1900’s, so what would a real estate brokerage model look like if it were created today? Would it be different since we have the internet, mobile, social media, and the cloud etc. and now it’s 100+ years later? Time for a game-changer and industry disrupter!