Google Earth can now Take Us To The Moon – But How Long Before They Can Tour Homes for Sale?
By now, most of you have probably heard of and even explored Google Earth and Google Maps. They’re fascinating and fantastic state of the art tools which are very interesting and quite entertaining. Not just for consumers, We all love this stuff. Now you can explore and tour the Moon, Mars, The Sky and other parts of our world using Google Earth and Google Maps. My guess is that it won’t be long before you’ll be able to click on the front door of a property and tour the “homes” and “Real Estate Listings” for sale too.
You can visit the Google’s Video Channel on
Google Earth currently allows you to search any part of the Earth, zoom down to the street level, see 3D images and buildings, photos, videos, and in connection with Google Maps, scroll up to the front door of any property. Now all they (or you) need to do is create a link to the listing, MLS, or “Virtual Tour” information, and the Virtual Real Estate World would be changed forever.
It’s almost unimaginable. Or is it?
Come With Me On A Quick Google Earth Tour
Starting from the Moon, the Global View of Earth
Arrive at a Satellite City View with Photos and Videos
Virtually Transported to Helicopter View Of Neighborhood
The fastest trip you’ve ever made Down To The Car and Street Level
And In literally seconds, you’re Standing in Front of the Property ready to knock on the Door.
You’re Just one “Click” away from Going Inside…. So Why Have We Stopped Here?
Imagine clicking on the Front door above – I Envision This Next Screen popping up…
Welcome Inside This “Home For Sale” Enjoy Your Tour!
We can send man to the moon and even you to MARS with this new technology, connecting with the Real Estate Community and Industry would seem like the next natural progression for Google Earth.
Google Earth and currently allow consumers (and you) to upload their photos to Google Earth, Youtube Videos are posted everywhere, so why not have the Real Estate Industry provide the final touches? Property Information, Listings, Links to community posts, photos, and videos. You can already take a tour of 3D buildings in the Google Earth Gallery, but I want to go inside.
Think of the potential a connection like this could have, and the convenience to both consumers and the Real Estate Industry. If this eventually does happen, well then, I called it. If it doesn’t, why wait? Start using Google Earth and Maps yourself to create the Links and provide Community and Property Information.
Look at what others are doing on Google Earth right now…
The point and message in this post is that anyone with a computer using Google Earth and Google Maps can do this right now. Virtually travel to nearly any piece of property anywhere in the world. This one final connection would make looking at neighborhoods and finding out about communities, homes, and property much faster and extremely convenient. Millions of people are using this stuff now. Wouldn’t it make Real Estate more accessible, and easier to access “Virtually?” Connecting a link to some detailed property information at the final stage of this “virtual travel” could make this one of the greatest “Virtual Tools” in Real Estate.
I’m just sayin…
Check out Google Earth and Google Maps, this may be the next “ONE GIANT STEP” for Google and mankind.