Google Analytics – New In-Page Analysis and Advanced Segments
These are some of the most powerful tools on the web when it comes to analyzing your blogs and sites. Monitoring the traffic and visitors your content attracts is very useful. You’ve created some great Blogs and webpages, added some of the coolest links and tools known to man (in your opinion…lol~) but what items and things are people really searching for, then clicking on when they find them?
How are your visitors using your blog or site? Which products are they clicking on? Which options are they really using? How are they finding you and then navigating around the page or pages? C’mon, wouldn’t everyone want to know? Of course they would. I just took a look at one of my sites to see what In-page analytics would look like? I have to admit that it’s much easier to get an overall overview with this new feature.
Charts and graphs can be difficult at times to digest, maybe more folks will use these tools now.
The new Google In-page analytics makes it much easier to review than the existing graphs and charts. We may think that the hyper-links and anchor text in our blogs and websites are the greatest and coolest, or that they are placed properly on the page or layout, but what if there were a way to improve your clicks, views, and increase your business by analyzing your stats and traffic? That’s exactly why I wanted to share this with you.
Google analytics has been around for quite some time and the Analytic team at Google must keep improving this tool if they want to stay around too. One thing I think many of us forget is that just because a product or tool exists and we’ve been using it for some time, there are usually research and development teams in the background continually trying to improve and make these tools and products better.
Creating great sites, blogs and content is only part of the challenge with today’s on-line marketing and advertising. Understanding what your targeted audience is looking for, finding, and then utilizing is an even more challenging task. Tools like Google Analytics make it so much easier to keep refining your content and adjusting things to get the maximum amount of traffic, and continue to provide the best value from your site.
“Here’s another great tool and Google feature that may help you “analyze” your way to on-line success.”