We all know that Blogging can bring you business. That’s one of the reasons we do what we do. It does take some time before you really begin to see results, but then what doesn’t? When you breakdown all the benefits of Blogging, there are quite a few valuable and justified reasons to do it. But, are we missing a very important ingredient for our “Blogs” and their success? Take a second to look at just a few of the many benefits of blogging:
Do you promote your Blog to your community? How about to your existing clients so they can refer others? Is your Blog on all your Flyer’s, open house postcards, even on your sign riders? Do you have links scattered all over the Internet with other community supported websites and Blogs? We rely on Google to do their part in getting us recognition and placement on the web, but are we doing our part “In the REAL WORLD? Are we doing all we can to market our Blogs? How do we generate more business and success? There are so many who don’t even know our Blogs exist! I suggest at least having it on your email signatures if you use Outlook, Gmail, or Yahoo email. Right now, many other Bloggers read your Blog, but is the audience your after reading your posts? Are you waiting for them to find you based on the proper Google keyword search? Make sure that the “REAL World” knows your Blog exists. Just like your website, and your designations, you need to promote it every opportunity you get. The outside world needs to know about your Blog! Just another thought provoking post that I hope inspires you to look beyond our internal Cyber community, and find ways to get “Your Blog into the outside, REAL World!” Where is your Blog today? Where should it be and how are you going to get it there? Todays Tip: Here are the Top 100 Blogs, People, Tips and Markets in Real Estate DETAILS>>>>>
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