How Big Is Twitter?

How Big is Twitter? This is without a doubt the largest “Twitter related” graphic I have ever embedded into an ActiveRain blog post. If you printed twitter today, here’s some great comparisons of what that might look like with a really good printer! LOL~ I’m not sure how accurate this comparison is, but I did find this very interesting.


If You Printed Twitter
Infographic by Cartridge SaveMy first tip and suggestion for 2011? DON’T PRINT Twitter! I’d love to see a similar comparison for someone considering printing Facebook, I’m willing to bet that it would most likely consume the earth’s entire source of paper and require every printer cartridge on the planet?!?

Just some food for thought….

If you’re looking for some “useful” Twitter facts & tips, here’s a site with nearly 25,000 people contributing and sharing their ideas with each other. I have found some great tips and articles here:

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