How To Add MP3 Files to your Blog

How To Add MP3 Files to your Blog

Marie Westerman, a REALTOR® member here from Georgia emailed me this morning and asked, “Brad how can I put a MP3 into a blog?”  Knowing that there are probably other members wondering how to do this, here’s a quick tutorial that will show you How To Add MP3 Files to a Blog Post.

VERY IMPORTANT TIP: Keep in mind that MP3 audio files should never be setup to “AutoPlay” on your Blog. Let your readers and listeners select if they want to hear it or not.  If you set them up to “autoplay”, you might scare the crap out of somebody when they load your post at 1:00am and their computer speakers are up full blast! lol~ This is the quickest way to get someone to close their browser on you!

Here’s an MP3 player that is used for audio files and it works well here on AR. I used a funny example of an MP3 file just to make this Blog post a bit more fun and interesting.  (It is NOT the actual AR Support Answering Machine)

Click the button on the player to listen.This is the code you will need to place in the HTML tab when creating a new post. All you need to do is find the .MP3 file on the web that you want played, then replace the URL or web address you currently see in the HTML code highlighted below.  Just erase the one that is there and replace it with the URL where YOUR MP3 file is located.  For this type of MP3 embed, the file must be on the Internet housed on a server somewhere.

To use the embed code above, here’s a site where you can copy the code to paste to your blog since the one above is only an image/screen shot and can’t be copied and pasted. Click here to get the code.

Getting a bit more practical, here’s an actual MP3 worth Listening to. It’s a podcast MP3 by Marissa Mayar from Google talking about innovation at Google.  This is the type of MP3 or Audio file that might bring more value to your readers listeners.There are some other ways to embed sound files, MP3 files, podcasts etc. This should be a good start and easy way for anyone wanting to add “optional” audio to their Blogs and posts. Thanks for asking Marie, I hope this helped. Happy Blogging and Listening! 🙂

If reading or listening just isn’t your thing, here’s a video that might help you more.


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