Hi everyone, this is Debra Andersohn, Brad’s wife. I wanted to sneak into his Blog to write this while he’s away. A few weeks ago, Brad told me that he had a surprise for me for our anniversary and asked me to take off three days from work. I was planning on surprising him, but I was happy to just go with it. We left early Tuesday morning and headed for what I thought was Monterey which is our spot where we usually go. Little did I know what an amazing and creative imagination my husband really has.
As we drove, I realized we were not going to Monterey and I couldn’t figure out where we might be going. We passed the exit to the airport so we weren’t going on an airplane (at least I thought). A couple of exits down the road, we get off the freeway and drive around for a bit then ultimately turned into the park and fly next to the airport. I said to Brad, “Oh my Gosh, we are NOT flying are we?” He said chuckling, “I am tired of the traffic, lets take a plane.”
We entered the airport and he went up to the kiosk by himself to get the tickets to keep it a surprise. We went through security, then had a bite to eat. We didn’t go up to the actual gate (once AGAIN keep it a surprise) but sat down somewhere nearby. Brad excused himself for a few minutes, then returned only to be called to the gate by name, “Brad and Debra Andersohn, please report to Gate 6.” WOW! We walked to the gate and the lady greeted us with “Happy Anniversary.”
She pre-boarded us even before the pre-board. We walked onto the plane with another warm greeting from the flight attendant who sat us in the First Class section that we were upgraded to by Alaskan Air. I was completely blown away. She handed us a couple mimosas and said, “Do you have any idea where we are going?“ “No” I said. She just winked at Brad. 😉
The flight attendant and pilot were in on the whole thing. At every announcement, our destination was never divulged. As we flew, it became clear to me that we were headed north, maybe Oregon since out my window I could see the coast and snow capped mountains on the right. Very beautiful. I never knew where we were or going until we got to the rental car, and I saw the signs saying Welcome to Seattle.
The drive to our hotel was wonderful and when we pulled up to the Fairmont Hotel. I was not only speechless, I was stunned. WOW! This is over the top I thought. The complete rock-star, red carpet treatment all the way.
Our room was amazing and already had Champagne, 12 long stem roses, and chocolate covered berries when we walked in!!
Brad then told me that Jon and Bob needed him to be at the AR RainCamp function and that I would be able to spend some time alone the next day and that we would go out to dinner later that night. I was really excited at the prospect of window shopping, enjoying the hotel gym and spa etc.
That night we went to a great sushi dinner at a place called WASABI BISTRO…OH YUMMMMMMMMM!
The next day, Brad took off very early in the morning and told me to be ready about 4:00pm. So, I took the day and started off at the gym. Then I went to the Pike Place Market and window shopped. After that was Borders Book Store where I bought a book and then went to the indoor pool area for some reading. I treated myself to a nice lunch at a French cafe’ called Belle Epicurean located in the Faimont downstairs. The day was so very relaxing and peaceful, it was just what I needed. Thanks Sweetheart!!
That afternoon, Brad took me to the “Black Bottle” where a lot of his Active rain friends met for a social. Before going inside, he showed me a video that he had taken at the RainCamp meeting. He said the members had a special message for me. He also said it would make me cry, and it did. (see video below) I met some really great people and was warmly welcomed by all. Some of them even addressing me as “PRINCESS.” What great friends and colleagues my husband has the honor of working with!
After the AR social gathering, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Brad surprised me and had us picked up in a Lincoln Town-car and taken to a Restaurant called THE PALASADE. Amazing and unbelievable atmosphere, seafood and wine. What a great way to end our 14th Anniversary Celebration Day. Then there was the Hot Tub…and then… (not for public knowledge…hehe) The entire time, my husband spoiled me rotten. Made me truly feel like a Princess. He is a very romantic man, a trait that some men do not possess anymore from what I hear. I’ve heard his buddies say to him, “THANKS ALOT BRAD” as if he was setting the standard too high! lol. Everywhere we went, I would hear the women say to him, “Can you talk to my boyfriend/husband?” I think ActiveBrad should give seminars on how to romance a woman.
I love my husband with all of my heart and hope he knows how much I appreciate his love for me, and his attention to detail.
I never did have a chance to really do anything for Brad for our anniversary this year because he said no presents, lets just go away together. He stole me away and took care of everything. I decided I would plan next year, and we agreed that we would take turns from now on every year.
I think I had better start planning now!!!! Any ideas? Help!