My ActiveRain Blog sidebar has forever been a hosting ground for widgets, gadgets, gizmo’s, buttons, and anything else I could place there that didn’t break my Blog or the AR Network. LOL Most of the buttons there were just links to other Blogs and sites where I participate. The others were just on-line tools and services I wanted to share. There are so many Social Media Networks and great sites out there, it was getting really hard to decide which ones I should have on my Blog’s sidebar.
Today, I got rid of them all! All except the ones I still need for subscribers, tracking and promoting events and information. They have been replaced with REtaggr. It’s one small step for a widget, one BIG step for Social Networking and Bloggers. If you are already on sites like FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MyBlogLog, etc., there’s no need to add those buttons to your sidebar or website anymore. Just use the RETaggr widget or chicklet, it’s FREE.
The best part of RETaggr is that if you don’t see the service, network or site you’re already on, just add it. You can add any website, Blog, or Internet site you chose by using the “ADD” feature you’ll find on their site. They even have an ActiveRain Icon listed as an option to add as one of your Blogging sites. There are some really great features and other benefits of using RETaggr, but just the fact that it allowed me to cleanup my sidebar a bit made it worth posting about. haha! Check it out, I think you’ll really like it, I do.
To the right is my REtaggr widget, just hover your mouse over the chicklet and the card opens up. Then click on the “more” link to see all the buttons, widgets, and gizmo’s I was able to remove from my sidebar today. YEAH! Adding other Blogs, Websites and Widgets to REtaggr is unlimited, and the widget gets updated Real Time as you add or make edits. No cutting and pasting the code every time you make a change. REtaggr, you’re it! 🙂
A Great Tool for Blogs, Websites, Email Signatures, and On-Line Business Cards.