So now you are a Blogger on Active Rain! You create content, you write, you post, you read, you comment, but do you ever wonder…where does my Blogging go from here? Is this as good as it gets? Should I have more than one Blog? My answer to you is yes! Every single person and panelists that I met in San Francisco at the Real Estate Connect last week, ALL had a Blog or write for a Blog outside of Active Rain. Don't get me wrong, I think that Blogging in the rain is great, in fact I will always be an Active Rain Alumni, but eventually, you should consider a Blog out in the Blogosphere too.
Have you noticed that many of the Active Rain writers and Bloggers all have their own personal Blogs too? The reason I keep coming back to Active Rain is for the SEO, the relationships and the comments, among many other reasons which I'll share with you in a moment. I have to say, writing 10 posts on my outside Blog with 0 comments the first month, can get lonely and depressing after a while. I have experienced this with some of my personal Blogs using and (there are many more FREE ones out there), but I love coming back to the "rain" after being out in the desert! LOL!
Here's my advice to you. Spend your first few months, or whatever time it takes, just getting around and understanding how to Blog using Active Rain as your platform / forum to do things like:
- Find your voice (The Big Secret: it's the one you use everyday, just be yourself)
- Learn the ins-and-outs of Blogging
- Meet others to build and grow your business relationships and national network
- Understand how to create a layout for your Blog and your posts or articles
- Decide what look, feel, and design you want to deliver to your audience
- Get advice from the many pros, and learn, learn, learn!
All this and so much more is available to you right here on Active Rain!
Then you can venture out somewhere, and start your own Blogging voice in the Blogosphere Galaxy! There are some things about Blogging that no one can teach you, you just have to learn by trial and error. It takes time, patience, persistence, and a commitment! It takes YOU to just do it! Trust me, you will find your way if you're determined. Voice the things you are most passionate about, not just things and topics that create value, but write to create relationships. That's what blogging is truly all about, and the unmeasurable value that it brings.
If you are part of the Real Estate Industry, and you are a Blogger, you are way ahead of your competition! But one day, Blogging may just be another "tool-box standard" of doing business like having a website, a cell phone, GPS or a laptop! What about the future expectations from the Internet savy consumers? Will they be on your Blog, or on someone else's? Do you have a plan? Are you finding your voice and learning how to write to YOUR audience? Take the time to really understand what it is that you are doing and what your intentions are as a Blogger. Take it serious but have fun too. Creating a great Blog is really no different than creating a great business plan! Put in the time and the effort.
Active Rain is the ultimate place to begin your Blogging journey. It is the fastest and most powerful start-up support network in the industry. There is no place on the internet or on the planet for that matter, that you can get this type of support and information. Just take a look at some of these Blogs by your fellow Active Rain Members and Colleagues. These are some great Blogs from some very successful professionals in the Real Estate Industry.
(selected at random – sorry if I missed yours)
Laurie Manny , Gena Reide , Cyndee Haydon , Mark Flanders , Colleen Kulikowski , Roberta Murphy , Maureen McCabe , Jeff Turner , Brian Brady , Kristal Kraft , Kaye Thomas , Teresa Boardman , Linda Davis , Rich Jacobson did you view these Blogs? See what I mean? I hope this helps you determine your Blogs future…
Blogging is FREE promotion and advertising no matter what part of the Real Estate Industry you are in! It adds $0.00 dollars to your marketing campaign and budget, yet it can add thousands to your Profits. Basically, you are creating an on-line office that allows you to interact with other industry professionals and consumers, but on a National level. It makes (cents) to me why anyone would want to Blog and have more than one!!
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