How To Create A Google+ Avatar

Creating your Google+ Plus Avatar or photo is easy. You don’t have to be a graphics editor or designer, you just need a photo of yourself. The most difficult challenge in doing all of this will be finding or having a photo or image available that you actually like.  Some folks are very picky about

Your Content Is No Longer King

The Context WAR! According to the passionate “Crush It!” Wine guy, Gary Vaynerchuk, Context is the new King. We always here about “Content Being King” but Gary V is opening some eyes willing to go outside the box into an area that is begging some recognition and that is context. Content Is No Longer King?!?!

How To Tweet in Google Plus

How do you tweet in Google +?   Well, without friends like Mike Mueller, the world may never know… I was following a few Tweets today and some Facebook friends who were posting some fun stuff on my wall when I came across this message on Twitter and then later, a link from Mike Mueller that

Google Plus + Minus The Confusion

It’s the next biggest move by Google with the Google + feature that’s been added to your search results at It may look small sitting over there on the side, but this may very well be the biggest and best thing Google has come up with since the search.   If you have a Google

The Google Plus + Facebook Battle

Jimmy Mackin made the comment and asked the question in the tech support group for real estate agents on Facebook, “Google+ is about to hit 10,000,000 users. That’s approximately 5 Million new users per week. Can anyone guess (without Google) how many new users Facebook averages per week?” My email inbox these past few weeks