
 I’m looking for a bumper sticker that says, “My other car is a Brand Spanking New Model 2.0 Blog.” Many of you know that I am a total gadget, widget, and techy kinda guy. When I’m not out trying to find title orders and escrows, or helping my clients find buyers and sellers, I like to dabble with “new” technology, and try to find ways to increase my clients marketing skills with all that’s available out there in the cyber-world.

This past week, I have spent most of my extra time creating an outside Blog. One that will focus on Technology and Marketing for the Real Estate Industry. As some of you will recall, I crashed my Active Rain Blog with too many widgets a few months back! So, I have been working on this site to give you more tools, services, tips, widgets, gadgets, advice, target marketing ideas, and much more of what you’re use to seeing me provide here on AR.

I spent more time just trying to come up with a name for this Blog, and then it came to me last night in my sleep! Does that ever happen to you? I Woke up, jumped out of bed, and yelled out “TECHNOBABBLE!!” THAT’S IT!!

My Blog is Brand New and still being created and developed, so please go easy on me as I know most of you will. I have plagiarized a couple of my own posts, just to see how it looks. Take a look at it, and tell me what you think. In exchange, I have a new widget to share with you today. It’s called WeShow. You can select your topics, and it will place videos into a widget for you to add to your Blog or your Website. (I just added it to mine) It’s really kinda cool, and might even create some additional interest from your readers. You should always change-up your Blog, Website, and Profile Page every so often. Keep it fresh! I think widgets and gadgets are a great way to do that, but new content is really the key.

“Hold Your Mouse Over Any Video” or “Click On The Home Improvement Pull-Down and Select Another Topic”

If you are interested in seeing some of the other stuff you can do, check out my new TechKnowBabble , it’s only 1 day old and I would love to see you stop by and be my guest. I’m pretty good at accepting criticism, but I’m not very good at asking for it! LOL!! I will be keeping it up-to-date with all the latest and greatest tools and marketing tips! I will have interesting and useful posts on technology and “how to” market yourself in any market regardless of the conditions.

If Real Estate Technology is nothing but Technobabble to you, I hope you’ll enjoy my TechKnow Babble Blog! 🙂

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