The ActiveRain Ambassador Program
Today we are launching the new ‘ActiveRain Ambassador’ program for members of the ActiveRain community. We have been kicking around the idea of setting up this program for months now and think we have finally come up with something that will work well and benefit ALL members of the network. What is an “ActiveRain Ambassador” and how does this program work?
Since the inception of ActiveRain, there has always been a “Pay It Forward” spirit amongst our membership. Invitations sent out by members were often followed up with courtesy calls to help new members get acquainted with the basics of the site. As new members joined the community, others who had been around for a while would welcome them by commenting on posts, sending a quick email with suggestions of how to improve, even picking up the phone to call those in their area to say “Welcome Aboard.” We have always had ‘ActiveRain Ambassadors’, lending a helping hand in whatever capacity they could to get “Newbies” up and running, we’ve just never had a formal program to reward those willing to give so freely of their time.
The Ambassador Concept and Our Culture
The new ‘ActiveRain Ambassador’ program will be a formalized way that our ambassadors can call and welcome new members of ActiveRain to the site while at the same time walking them through some basics of the site, including the RainMaker upgrade, and sharing their experiences. Many times it takes new members some time before they figure out the nuances of the site and how it can have such a positive impact on ones business. Having someone to guide you through these first few days and someone to reach out to if you have questions was the foundation of the early days of our network. This foundation is still solid but the shear growth in numbers makes it hard for every new member to find the guidance they need when getting started.
We are going to make sure they get that guidance from the members who have been here for years already making it rain in their own businesses. We want to allow these new members access to the veterans of ActiveRain who have seen the bottom line of their business impacted as a result of their participation on ActiveRain, and we want to reward (a monetary reward……although, TLW, we will probably pay you in shoes) our ‘ActiveRain Ambassadors’ for helping us indoctrinate new members into our culture.
Here’s an outline of what it is and how it will work. Your feedback and comments are always welcomed!
ActiveRain Ambassadors
“One more step in becoming the social hub of your local real estate market and industry.“
Requirements for this position:
- Unanimous approval from AR Staff “Ambassador Advisory Council”
- Must have three examples of your Blogs at the top of Google.
- Must have 100k ActiveRain points.
(Over time this may be opened up to lower point earners) - Must love the ActiveRain Network
- Maintain a minimum level of monthly participation. Required deliverables will be communicated in Independent Contractor agreement all ambassadors must sign
- Ambassador position is teaching and support focused. Ambassadors will each receive compensation when new members that they call sign up for Rainmaker accounts, but ‘hard sells’ will not be allowed. Again, this is a teaching, networking and support focused program.
Ambassador Program Benefits:
a. Public recognition, AR Ambassador Badge
b. Structured program to grow your professional network
c. Free Outside Blog
d. Free Localism Sponsorship
e. Link to Ambassadors Roster from AR Home Page
f. First in line for AR swag (logo t-shirts, etc.) All provided for free to Ambassadors.
g. Special events at industry conferences for Ambassadors.
h. Additional recognition for top Ambassadors.
i. Access to Ambassador Program Funds to support grass roots gatherings, training
classes, or events, created/hosted by AR Ambassadors.
Signing Up as an ActiveRain Ambassador
Many of you already value the time you spend on ActiveRain and you do some amazing networking through the site. This is a formalized way for you to continue to utilize ActiveRain for some amazing networking opportunities while at the same time taking on an Independent contractor role where we can pay you for helping to train the next generation of ActiveRain Blogging Superstars.
Just imagine being the go to person for hundreds of agents in your area. The networking effect and impact of that kind of exposure is too good to pass up! 🙂