- Image via Wikipedia
The Art of Real Estate Blogging
Blogging for most people is not something you just jump into and experience immediate success. There is an “Art to Blogging” and like anything else, there is a learning curve, and you only get better by doing.
You’ll start off reading a bunch of How-to-Blogs, then you need to learn the mechanics of Blogging along with the technical aspects and skills. These are the three most important principles that must be established up front before you create ANY BLOG and for any niche or market.
3 Important “MUST HAVE” Principles before you Begin
- You must determine your audience
- It’s important to find your voice
- Blog with great content and transparency
Once you’ve hurdled these small stumbling blocks, then you have to overcome the three major issues that keep most people in Real Estate from Blogging. If you can get past these procrastination causing issues, you are well on your way to becoming a “Successful Real Estate Blogger!”
3 Biggest Blogging Enemies and Excuses
- Finding the “Time” to Blog
- Coming up with “Content” to Blog about
- The “Fear” of Blogging and the Unknown
It’s not easy to come up with valuable and useful content for your readers day after day, month after month, year after year. It’s no easier to find the time of day in this fast paced society we live in. And the fear we lacked as kids when rolling down the hillside is ever-present in our ego as adults. So how is it that some Industry Professionals have overcome these obstacles and others have not, or can’t? More importantly, how do YOU learn the Art of Blogging so you don’t get left behind in the Powerful World of Social Media and WEB 2.0 Marketing and Networking?
6 Tips To Begin Your Successful Blogging Endeavor
- Determine your audience by thinking ahead and planning “WHO” you want to reach with your Blog content. If you have more than one niche, then have more than one blog. Manage your time effectively.
- Finding your “Voice” is nothing more than Blogging with the same voice you talk to people with. People can read deeper into your 10 pt font than you think. Be Yourself, be real, it’s your “natural” voice that is the most important tool to use in Blogging.
- Great “content” and “transparency” come from your “Heart and Passion” Blog using both consistently. Write with emotion and devotion, don’t try to be “A Writer” or an “Author” be yourself and just share.
- Finding time to Blog is no different than finding the time to respond to email, or return phone calls. Make it part of your “Daily Plan” to read, write and comment. This will result in learning, sharing, connecting, building relationships, and growing your business.
- There is more content to Blog about sitting in your email sent folder than you’ll ever use in a lifetime. Share your knowledge, experiences, expertise, useful tips and tools, hyper-local content, community events or happenings, and do it with the things you’re passionate about. Don’t sell! Everyone wants to buy, but no one wants to be “Sold!”
- Overcome the “Fear” of what readers might think. Don’t compare yourself to others. The voice in your head that says “I’m not a good writer, or “What will people think of me” has to be eliminated from your thought processes. People who like and connect with you do it because of who you are, not what you write, or what you do. Think beyond fear, and focus on the power and results of Blogging. There’s no better way to reach a larger audience and connect with others, and do it at any less of a financial marketing and networking expense.
The Art of Real Estate Blogging is an “ART” and should be considered “critical” to your business plan. It should be carefully planned out and then implemented. It’s like any other tool in your business that is weighed and researched for the “return on investment!” The ROI from Blogging is the best return you can get for the time and cost invested. Stop thinking about the who, what, when, why, and how of it all, and begin understanding that the reach, the content, the consistency, and the results from your efforts is really what matters most.
As you begin the journey and start to understand the “Art of Blogging,” only time and experience will convert your childlike crayon type paintings into “Masterpieces” of valuable art. Keep it simple, keep it real, keep it passionate, and keep it going. You can’t help improving if you just keep doing. Now before you click your mouse on the next article, sit back in your chair and contemplate, visualize, then realize that the very next step is ALL up to YOU. Good luck and Godspeed to you and your success!
- Blogging is essential for any business (wsioms.co.za)
- 8 biggest mistakes made in social media (lansner.freedomblogging.com)
- Social Media is the New Collaboration (cloudave.com)
- Blog and Twitter when your audience is listening (kevin.lexblog.com)
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