This past weekend, I did a post and found out that there may be some REAL issues with Blogging and Spouses! Not mine of course, well… there have been days….LOL! In light of a somewhat humorous post I put up on Saturday, I wanted to follow-up with what really happened this past weekend.
When I wrote the post “Mama Says NO BLOGGING,” it was somewhat of a joke, but the reality was, my wife wanted me off the work computer, and in the recording studio to finish one of her songs. It’s been an ongoing project for the past couple weeks. Music, it’s our other “shared” passion!
In the past, I have always written the music, and she does a great job writing the lyrics and performing the songs. This time, she has written the entire song herself. She finally got me away from the computer long enough this weekend to produce this Video. (Amateur of Course) I know you are probably all sick of hearing me talk about video, and Real Estate interviews, virtual tours, mixpo, youtube, etc. etc. But this one is different. Why? Cause it’s for my sweetheart!
We used the MacBook Pro Laptop to record all the tracks in our home studio, then we shot the Video yesterday as we drove around the neighborhood. I uploaded it and did a final mix in Mixpo, and here’s what we came up with for her “First Ever” Music Video. WooHoo!! I am very proud of my wife and very excited for her, enough so that I just had to Blog about it! I really enjoyed making this for her, and now just wanted to share. This is her passion and dream!
I’ve written many posts about everything else in life, now it’s time to dedicate a post to my Beautiful, Loving, Supportive, Talented, Gifted, Mother of my Children and Soul Mate! My wife Debra! (I love you Princess!) I have never seen her as happy as she was tonight when I played this video for her the very first time. The name of her song is called “All I Need“