“Like” WOW, I’m “Like” Totally Stoked – The New “Like” button for Facebook on AR.
If you haven’t seen it yet, you will, and it might just be because you saw it on someones Facebook Wall. The new “LIKE” button on AR has now been added to every public post for you and all your friends, comrade’s, associates, and subscribers to share on Facebook.
It’s easy to do! If you like the post you’re reading, scroll down to the first area where you would “Flag”, “Bookmark”, or “Email” the post, and just click on the NEW “LIKE” button. That’s it! The link and post will now show-up on your Facebook wall. You can even like your own if you want to do some shameless self promotion of your AR Blog Posts on Facebook. Imagine all the possiblities and positive results this could have on you, your AR friends and associates, and the content you can now share with others on Facebook! I THINK IT’S VERY COOL!!
Hey – I really think I “LIKE” it, how about you? If you do… you know what to do!! LOL~ (Big Smile) :-))