has some pretty nifty layouts and tools if you want to enhance your Real Estate or personal videos. Having used for photo slide shows in the past, I thought I’d check back to what they have added or updated. Some of their tools for video have been improved and are easily embeded to many of the social networks and Blogs including ActiveRain. It has been quite a while since I last visited their site.
It’s always good to check back with some of those sites you’ve discovered from the past. They will either be gone, the same, or better. I had written a post about the top 200 sites for 2008 and many have indeed gotten better, being one of them. I used a Youtube video (AR Voices) for this sample. You can create different backgrounds and layouts for both photos and video now. Step Slide into my living room, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. 🙂
Check out what they have for your AR Blog posts by clicking on the “Skin Your Video” tab above. You’ll need to use the “Blogger” HTML format to have them appear on your AR Blog, Profile, or posts. Jeff Dowler informed me that some of these other formats do NOT work as they aren’t formatted properly for the AR network. Just create your piece, click on the “Blogger” format, then copy and paste the HTML embed code on your AR post using the HTML tab while in edit mode. (not the WYSIWYG tab)
Everyone is using and watching video these days, if you dare to be different and have yours stand out, is FREE, and as you can see, it works well on AR Blog posts and profiles. There are many other templates and tools you can utilize, I just chose this one to share today. You can always tell a Youtube video, but let’s you “mask” the typical standard looking player, and add some originality and personality to your photos and videos. Enjoy!