What if a single click could convert your entire Blog or Web-page to a different language? How about 18 different languages? That would be very cool. Well, I get excited about this stuff because I see there is a potential to reach more readers, have global potential with your business, and use the latest and greatest technology to enhance and grow your relationships. Possibly breakdown the language barrier between you and your clients and readers.
I have a client who speaks 12 different languages. She is an Active Rain member, and I hope she’ll find this post! I would love to see how she might use a tool like this. This could be a huge opportunity to open up the marketing floodgates all over the country! The best way to find out, is of course, to do a post on my Blog and see what others have to say.
Go ahead and try this, convert this post to any language you choose. I’ll show you how to add this to your Blog, Website, or any other HTML Internet web-page! Some of you will read this and go get it right away, there are others of you that may not be familiar with HTML and how to place it on your AR profile or Blog. This is just another little tech tip for you in trying to help you, “Get Your Arms Around Technology”
You can go to my widget showcase, and look for the following text at the top of the page: Try it for yourself…
Convert This Page To Any Language
If you like this tool, you can pick one up yourself at their website, and add it to your Blog. Here’s instructions how to add HTML to your Blog! DETAILS>>>
If someone does contact you to do business from another Country, or even locally, but speaks another language, how do you do business with them now? I’m sure many of you will have some great ideas on how to utilize this tool in your business, I just wanted to bring it to your attention. This is “NEW”, and available….for FREE! It’s a good life! Enjoy.