Am I Still A Newbie?

If I have to ask, I guess some will think I am!!  🙂 

Is there a process for determining when a new member will no longer be a newbie? (I never liked that word, newbie) LOL.  It's kinda like being a freshman in High School, everyone calls you the Newbie!!  I hated being a Newbie!!

Is "Newbie" a status based on points? Is it the accumulation of time spent on the rain? Is it the number of posts and comments in your history?  Is it the post content or the knowledge of proper blogging?  How do I graduate and get my Activerain diploma?

I DON'T WANT TO BE A NEWBIE ANYMORE!!  Is there a vote that needs to take place?  Do the moderators or the members decide when Newbie's become "official rainers"?  I am requesting a hearing of the Owners, the Veterans, the Members, and ALL other Newbies to allow me a status change.

Can I have the promotion?  Will someone please review my file and let me know if I qualify to get out of the "NEWBIE STATUS CLASS"?  I know I have only been a member for two months, but I am ready to move to the next level.  I am committed to the "Active Rain Oath".  Your vote or comments are greatly appreciated!! 

I'd love to throw my cap in the air, if today is graduation day from Newbie School!!

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