The Power of Twitter and Television

#Hashtags, @Tweeters, Curated Tweets, Retweets, and Live Tweeting?

If you think that Twitter is not making an impact into every crack and crevice of the world including television, you are terribly mistaken. Twitter and TV are making a huge social media impact amongst viewers and tweeters.

Chris Smith from Inman.Next just did a webinar titled “I Suck At Twitter Please Help Me” and spoke of how Twitter is possibly (in his opinion) even more powerful than Facebook for “Business Networking” with some added explanations. Watch “I Suck at Twitter Please Help Me” here.

Today on Google+ I saw the following comment by Chris Brogan – “My universe feels smaller everyday” followed by this video I am going to now share with you. This will help you to realize and understand the reach, the value, and the power of Twitter for sure.

The Best of Twitter TV from TwitterHQ on Vimeo

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