Have you considered inviting others from your TEAM to ActiveRain? How about your Lender, Loan Officer, Realtor, Stager, Title Company, Attorney or Inspector? Don’t forget your Processors, Property Managers, Financial Planners and your Insurance Broker. Maybe you’d like to open an invitation to guests and visitors on your Blogs or Websites.
You’ve seen other members doing it, and you are probably already aware that points are given not only for inviting others who join, but when they sign up and become active, you are rewarded additonal points based on their activity. 10% to be exact, which adds up quickly. There are 3 ways you can do this.
The FIRST way is with the “Internal ActiveRain Referral Invitation.“
- Click the link
at the top of this page.
- Next Click
in the lower left corner of your screen.
- Now follow these 4 easy steps, and your invitation is complete.
(with this method, you can only send one email at a time)
The Second way is to use the “Referral Link” that is provided on the same page as your email invite:
The referral link looks like this: https://activerain.com/action/referrals/activebrad (shown below) This is the URL or web address you’ll need to create links demonstrated ahead.
You can create a Hyperlink from any word or image by using the URL address above. Just replace my username with yours and Bingo, you’ve got a text or graphic link inviting others. This could be used in your email signature, a mailing to your email database, or even as a link on your webpage, Blog post, or Profile. (This method allows you to send multiple invitations) NO SPAMMING, note the text disclaimer in RED above.
Here’s a sample: Just highlight your text [You’re Invided!], click on the and add the url that looks like https://activerain.com/action/referrals/YourUserNameHere – and now you’ll have this: YOU’RE INVITED!
The Third way, and it seems to be the most requested lately, is to create a custom image, graphic, icon, or photo as your invitation, and then place it on your Blog, your Webpage, or your email etc. I used this one as a sample. I customized it using Paint Shop Pro. You can use Picnik.com to create some pretty cool stuff. There’s also ImageChef.com, Button Maker and many other sites out there, and they’re all FREE.
You can create your own custom button
or you can even use animated images and photos if you like.
Go ahead and click on them and see how they work, you don’t have to join again, just check the links and see that they’re functional.
Here’s what you do: Once you create and import an image, just link the same “Referral Link” you used on the text, but now apply it to your image or clipart instead. To do this:
Click on your image one time, then click on the to insert your URL: it should look the same as before: https://activerain.com/action/referrals/YourUserName Now you know how to link anything to anywhere.
To use an animated graphic like the frog as a link, you’ll need to have that image hosted on a server somewhere out on the internet. There are plenty of FREE ones you can use, just Google Search the keywords “Free Animated .Gifs”
…is inviting you to invite others to ActiveRain. Now that you know how, there is no excuse not to.
Hopefully this helps those who have been asking, sorry it took me longer than I expected to post.