A few weeks back, I received a Facebook notification regarding a new message on my wall. Now does that sound Social networky or what? lol~ Anyway, it was an old friend and past client who was asking me for a referral in an area close by. Of couse I looked up Linda on ActiveRain, and referred her over to Tom. Yesterday, I get a Facebook notification that there’s a new comment from Tom on my wall again.
Naturally I responded to Tom immediately, and then thanked Linda. :-))
Funny – Just two days ago, I was talking about referrals with Nyssa on Activerain (we were actually on Twitter..haha) discussing what we felt is the true definition and meaning of “referral?” I think this was a perfect example of a Social networking referral, and I think we’ll see many more of them done like this in the future. Facebook and ActiveRain generate the contact, and the relationships and “connections” generate the referral. ActiveRain and Facebook are excellent conduits, but it’s always has been, and always will be about people.
Here’s two great social networks, totally different from each other, yet connecting us and providing opportunities that many of us still have yet to discover. How will you use ActiveRain and other Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn etc. to do business and build referrals in the future? Or will you end up like me, and just be using them already without even realizing it? :-O