Multi-Authored Outside Blog Gets Recognition

ActiveRain Multi-Authored Outside Blog Gets Social Marketing Recognition, an AR Outside Blog built by contributing members of ActiveRain was recognized today by  Thank you to those members whose contributions and efforts made this possible.  For those of you looking for tips and how-to’s about ActiveRain, this is a good place to visit on occasion.  Many of our AR members here have written some great tutorials and added them to this Outside Blog. Having multiple contributors can really build some great value in a Blog and is probably why this Blog was recognized today.

Thanks to Google Alerts for the notification.  I Hope you’re using Google Alerts too.  🙂

If you’re a member writing tutorials for others here in the rain, and would like to be added as a contributor/author to the ActiveRainGuide, please shoot me a quick email.  Send it to  We are always looking for helpful posts to assist our community.  Having them in one location like this makes it easier to filter through and find what you need.  On top of that, the additional exposure to your articles could be mutually beneficial as well. You can always find a link to the ActiveRainGuide in the upper right corner of my Blog.  Thanks.  🙂 


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