It’s true. If you own an iPhone, you can now interact with the ActiveRain Real Estate Network of friends and business partners from anywhere your iPhone browser works. This is not an iPhone application, it’s a browser enhancement from our AR developers. (great job guys)
At 2:00am, we deployed a fix that will now allow you to post, and comment on ActiveRain Blogs using your iPhone. Members have been waiting for this upgrade and I’m glad to announce it is finally launched. It’s great. We’re also working on an iPhone application that will be custom tailored and made available for ActiveRain members later.
The only things you can’t do from the phone right now are create links, add images, and there’s no text toolbar for bold text etc. So now you can create a post from anywhere, make edits, add and delete comments using just the iPhone browser. (iPhone uses the Safari browser)
You can email posts to others right from the iPhone using the email graphic icon that’s below each post.
10 minutes is all it took to create this using just my thumbs, (haha) it’s a new record for an ActiveBrad post.
We’ve taken one small step for mankind, one Giant step for Activerain and iPhone.
This was created and posted using the iPhone. I’ll add a picture from my computer later. I love my iPhone.