ActiveRain University Training & Support Classes

The ActiveRain University on-line Campus is one of the best ways to learn everything about the ActiveRain Community and the Social Media World.  We are now offering classes for our members and guests.  It’s not just for new “RainMakers” either, it’s for you too.  We’ve added intermediate and advanced classes and are having experienced members and outside experts come in to present, share, and show you their tips and secrets.

Each class is about one hour using our ActiveRain University on-line platform.  You can access these sessions from just about anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection.  Every day we’re offering training webinars and support sessions.  A wide variety of classes are now available, you can pre-register on the ARU Calendar.



Thursday – March 25th, 2010
10:00 -11:00am (PST)
Hyper-Local Blogging – Targeting Buyers Ready To Buy
Presenter – Bob Stewart & Brad Andersohn

Visit the ActiveRain University Calendar for details and to pre-register.

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