5 Tips To Create A Startup Business

There are but a few critical pieces needed to create a successful start-up business today.  In this example, you’ll see that it doesn’t take much and that it all stems from a simple GREAT idea that you can expand on and yet still have fun at the same time. Here’s five important pieces of the

Top Real Estate Video Listings

Among the thousands of real estate video listings scattered across the web on various sites and blogs, these few really stand out and for obvious reasons.  Each of these Real Estate Listing Videos offers something unique, creative and obviously took some time and money to create and produce. As a real estate professional, many already

Funniest Real Estate Videos

These are some of the funniest real estate related videos I have stumbled across on the Web.  If you are easily offended or take opinions and others perspectives personally, it’s probably best that you don’t watch these. They are intended for amusement and do not represent my personal opinion or express my personal beliefs about

Real Estate Listing Presentations

The Real Estate Listing Presentation With over 1,000,000 REALTOR members in the National Association of REALTORS, (NAR) you can’t even begin to imagine the variety of styles and agent listing presentations that have been created and used in homes all across the country.  The Real Estate Listing Presentation is the most important piece of the

Top 10 WordPress Plugins for Blogs

These are of course my top suggested and favorite plugins for WordPress blogs.  I’m sure that after you review them, you’ll see why. Most of you will either already agree, or begin exploring to decide or find out for yourself.  I am currently using each of these plugins, they are all activated and running on

How and When to Use Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs are basically short little video segments (3-7 seconds) that are created from graphics, photos, and short video streams.  Animations are often found on websites, blogs, and on various sites and locations around the web.  Sometimes you’ll find sites that use them in abundance, even overkill if you will, and then they can become

Pinterest – Social Cataloging Community

Pinterest is basically a social catalog.  It’s a community to share collections of things you love.  It’s similar to a “like” on Facebook, or “+1” on Google Plus, it’s even like “Digg” “Delicious” “StumbleUpon” and “ReTweeting” but the difference at Pinterest is that it’s all about “Pin” or pinning content. According to TechCrunch, Pinterest hit

Squeeze & Landing Page Checklist

There are a few key elements needed required when creating a powerful and effective squeeze or landing page.  Squeeze and landing pages that will inspire and motivate your viewers to provide the necessary content and information you’re seeking to convert them to a life long client.  This is so important for Internet marketers and advertisers

iPiccy Is Picnik’s Closest Replacement

In a hurried scramble last week to find a replacement for the Picnik.com closure in April, I had written an article featuring 7 FREE photo and graphic editing sites.  Some readers were hoping to actually find a replacement editor that was similar or at least closer to the look and feel of Picnik’s site. Well