I must get 5-7 invitations a week to a variety of different webinars. They usually cover some really great topics. Though many seem interesting and useful, I find myself having to prioritize my day, (just like you) and in many cases miss many if not most webinars that come my way. What is the real value of a webinar anyway? Last week I was able to jump on a webinar and let me tell you, it changed the way I perceive and now do webinars myself.
You’ll never get spammed with an email invitation from me to any webinars I host. I’m confident you’ll never walk away from any session feeling that it sucked! Every webinar and guest I bring you will do at least three things:
- Share valuable and useful information that can be used and applied to you and your business immediately.
- Provide you with knowledge of a topic and give you information that would otherwise cost you $$$ to learn.
- Deliver real people in the industry who are out there living and practicing what they preach successfully.
So before you decide whether or not to attend this weeks webinars with these guests, ask yourself this question? Is it worth my time and effort to listen to either of these speakers and presenters knowing that their experiences and knowledge could put thousands of dollars into my pocket and enrich my life beyond what I could creatively imagine? It’s now up to you to decide.
These two guys are not easy to get, nor will they waste your time or theirs, period.
Gary Gold is a no nonsense practicing and successful Real Estate agent and Broker out of the Southern California area and is making his fortune and living in Real Estate. (READ THIS) How is he doing this? What tools does he use? How much is he making and what are the costs? Can you sell Real Estate at this pace and volume and still have a life with balance and happiness? Is it stressful, is it easy, is it worth it? It’s questions like these that you can ask Gary yourself when you join him this Wednesday? I promise, it won’t suck.
“Gary has been seen on CBS Evening News, Access Hollywood and other prime time shows.”
Stefan Swanepoel needs no introduction but I’m giving him one anyway. Stefan travels all around the Country speaking to thousands of Industry professionals regularly about business practices and achieving a quality life. He’s spent a great deal of time out in the Serengeti of Africa and the Serengeti of Real Estate. He’s an author, a sought after speaker and presenter, publishes the infamous RETrends, and has just released his newest book, Surviving Your Serengeti. You don’t want to miss this Thursday. Trust me, it will be “WILD” and it won’t suck!
“Stefan’s new book is #2 USA Today, #2 Amazon.com, and #2 Barnes and Noble. #4 The New York Times.”
No matter what you are doing this week, I would make every effort to jump on these sessions and listen to what both these gentleman have to say and share. There is no sales pitch, there is no cost to you, and contrary to popular belief that there IS NO FREE LUNCH, the information, tools, and experience these guys will share will make more than just a difference in your business, there’s a good chance they might change your life.
These are webinars that won’t suck! 🙂