Why did ActiveRain create the opportunity to allow members to start and join groups? I’ve heard many say “they’re out of control.” Does anyone really spend much time searching groups and joining them? If not, it’s something everyone should consider or at least re-visit. When did you join a group last? Did you know consumers and visitors can’t see your groups? Only other members can. So network, that’s why they’re there.
I haven’t searched or even looked at any new groups for the past 5-6 months. Why? I had joined so many, I felt I didn’t have the time to check in with ALL the ones I’m already subscribing too. But then today, it dawned on me that there are so many more new groups available now.
If you join groups just to place your posts in the TOP 5, then you’re missing the point and value of these groups. They are like mini communities all through the rain that offer some great resources and information. In the last six months, there have been over 1500 new groups added. That’s 4057 total. So where do you start? Why are some more successful than others, and what makes them successful?
It’s Content! Now, just find the ones that interest you most!
You can search for posts on just about anything here on ActiveRain, but if you search groups instead, you’ll find little pockets of rain puddles everywhere. You name it, now there’s a group. These are some of the groups I have joined (on the left) that have been a great resource, and have also been fun to be a part of. Get connected by joining groups.
These tools will help you to locate and join some of the best mini communities created on ActiveRain. Another way to search groups is by using the search tool. Click on “Groups” at the top of the page, then on the right side of your screen, type in any topic and click “Search”, you will find pages of groups that meet your search criteria. Many answers to questions you have right now are in these groups!
To join a group: Go to any group, and click the “JOIN” button on the side bar above the groups’ guidelines. To leave the group, just click the button again which now reads “LEAVE” Don’t forget to read the guidelines before joining. Be sure to only post information relative to that group.
Here’s a couple searches I did on some topics I was interested in, and look what came up. ActiveRain Help, Real Estate Technology, ActiveRain Listings, All About SEO, Marketing Ideas and Support, Real Estate Photography, Contests, and of course Blogging. The posts and resources in some of these groups are incredible. If you get a minute, do a search, and do yourself a favor. If you want to know about anything in our industry, or on ActiveRain, don’t just search Blogs, search and join groups too.