I just noticed that the security graphics have changed on Active Rain. Where did the fruit go? I was in the middle of leaving another member a comment and the word "olosapo" caught my eye! I refreshed my screen and then "engkala" was my new word. Did I freak out? YES!!!
What are these?
Really?! What the Heck are these? I was just starting to get used to all the fruits and debating with other members about tomatoes and carrots and now this? One thing is for sure, I love that Active Rain is keeping us on our toes. They undoubtedly changed these to tighten the security from spammers etc.
What do you think of these words? These are something else!! I am an educated man, but I will have to google some of these words just to see what the definitions are. (If there even are any for some of these) What in the world is a namnam??? I've already got this one twice tonight! LOL!! I swear, these are some of the funniest and strangest words I have ever seen.
Will this slow you and I down? Will it help the security of AR? I know it will make you laugh on the first couple!! In the beginning, when you make your first comment with these new words, you'll be caught off guard. You'll think something is wrong with your computer. Maybe you hit a button that changed the language or something. Nope! Active Rain has made another enhancement on the network!! Way to go guys, it'll just take me some time getting used to! 🙂
BTW– Spell-check in Active Rain doesn't like these words very much, and I am not about to add them to my on-line dictionary!! LOL!
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