How and Where to Find FREE Images and Photos for Websites and Blogs

Learn about FREE versus creative commons and understand the difference between share and share alike photos and more.  This video was recorded “LIVE” at RainCamp Atlantic NJ and is unedited. Also listed below are numerous other free sites and resources! In addition, here are 10 more great sites for Free Images, Graphics and Pics etc. Wikimedia PikWizard

Hotspots on a Graphic – What are they, How to and Why

Can you have more than one link attached to a single graphic?  Have you ever wondered how website designers do that?  This is called layering or “Hotspots“.  You can easily create multiple links to any single graphic by doing the following.  I like to use photos or graphics that are in .jpg formats.  My earlier post

Creating A Custom Twitter Background

How To Create A Custom Twitter Background Many Twitter users have a custom background for their personal or business profile page on Twitter.  There are many sites that offer FREE Twitter Backgrounds for your page, but have you considered creating one of your own that is unique and customized? In this video is the instructions