Marketing and Advertising On ActiveRain – A Time and A Place

Marketing and Advertising On ActiveRain – How To Create and Setup Ads Your ActiveRain BLOG is not necessarily the best place to be marketing and advertising your goods or services to other ActiveRain members.  Promoting and marketing yourself is great but is there a more effective and efficient way than using your Blog to do

Zillow Quick Tour and Navigation

Last week, I was helping a member over the phone and she said to me, “I don’t see on the site where I can answer questions, join the directory, get widgets, or download any mobile apps?”  She didn’t realize that the tabs at the top of the page open up when you hover your mouse

Great Summary of Zillow Zestimates

Today, featured an excellent video by a Zillow Staff member, Rachel Rosen who does a superb job at explaining the Zillow Zestimate.  A special shout out and some link love to Rachel over at, and an extra special tid-bit of information for our readers if you really want to know “WHAT YOU NEED

Roost Now Provides Data From Zillow

Image via CrunchBase Some really exciting changes are happening at Roost Expanded Data for Your “Real Estate” Tab “Roost now provides data from Zillow as an improvement to the previous “Active Listing” data.  This set of aggregate charts provides average square foot & dollar amount per listing, median home value, home value distribution, year built, and