Week In Review – Top 10 ActiveRain FAQ’s – Volume III

Here are the TOP 10 FAQ’s for the week of March 9th, 2009.  If you know of another member who may have some of these same questions or issues, please feel free to forward them this post.  It looks like a network with this many members and this many tools and options will never run out of good questions to be answered.  Thanks for all the continued support and comments, these seem to be helping reduce the amount of tickets and emails we normally get on a regular basis.  Special thanks to Jeremy Blanton for helping us get caught up in the support ticket booth.

Why does my ReBlog button say disabled?  I am logged in and have checked the box to allow reblogging? 

  This only appears in the Internet Explorer Browser, and it’s only confirming that you can’t ReBlog your own posts.  Nobody else can see that hover button title but you on your own Blog posts.

Brad,  What are the settings about?  I don’t follow: what is their function?

  The settings page on AR allows you to customize your settings in a way that suits your personal needs.  This is where you add your Blog Title, widgets for your sidebar, description and keywords, twitter settings, general settings, email settings, and enable or disable Listing Router. 

I see members have pictures and movies on their Blog Sidebar.  How do I add these widgets to my Blog?

  A very common question asked by new members on AR.  The sidebar of your Blog is controlled at the settings page located on your “My Home” page.  Click “My Home”, then the “Settings” link on the left sidebar.  The second box down (just below your Blog title) is where you place the HTML code for widgets.  Find Out More Here.

How do I add posts to my Outside ActiveBlog?   When I write them, should I do it on the outside blog? 

  This is one of the beauties of ActiveBlogs.  You don’t need to write separate posts and take up valuable time.  You create your post on AR as you normally do.  Next, before you submit it, just like adding to the various groups, simply put a check mark in the box “My Outside Blogs” then check where you want it to appear. (See below)

I recently purchased an individual outside blog, but there’s a link in the toolbar that says members.  Did I accidentally get a TEAM Blog?  Am I being charged more?  Can you help me?

  All ActiveRain blogs are now team blogs, and are being given to members at no additional cost.  They are now one in the same.  You will not be charged more.  The members link allows you to invite others from your Team or Brokerage (or groups) to contribute to your Blog.  This is if they choose to accept your invitation.  To invite a member, jusat click on the members link, and add just their AR profile name ONLY.  IE: activebrad.  This will send them an invite that will appear on their my home page.  Ways to use your individual/team Blog.

Hi, I am new to ActiveRain.  When I write a Blog post, my only options for viewing availability are draft, members only, or associates.  How do I get my post to be available to the public?

  Your free AR account only lets you post to “members only” or “associates” unless or until you upgrade to a rainmaker account.  At this point you will be able to create “public posts”, capture more SEO, setup an outside Blog with your own custom domain name, and get unlimited tech support from the AR staff and more.  Here is a link that explains therainmaker membership plan

I am using Internet Explorer because my MLS requires it.  I am having too many issues with a lot of sites including AR, since I only can use IE, what do you recommend I do?  Is there another Browser I can use without losing access to my MLS?

  This is a very common “Myth-Understanding!”  You can use multiple browsers on your computer.  They even run simultaneously.  You can run Mozilla FireFox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Flock, and many others, all at the same time if you like.  See How This Works Here.

Brad, I am a newbie here on AR, where can I go to find out information about all the things there are to learn here?  Is there an ActiveRain manual somewhere?  Who are we suppose to call for help?

  There are so many great resources and members on AR, I use the “search” function at the top of every AR page. There are a few locations you will find a more focused effort on support issues, the first being ActiveRainGuide.com.  You can also visit the HELP/FAQ Group located at the bottom of Every AR page.  Since you are new, I would definitely review the “Getting Started Link” on the Main AR Page (under the channels area)  and Lastly, you can visit My Profile on AR for some of my how-to’s, tips, and tricks.  As a Last resort?  Support@ActiveRain.com

I got this page that came up on ActiveRain that said Intermission, what does this mean?

  On occasion, our programmers and tech support team need to make small enhancements or deploy new versions and releases of bug fixes, new features, improvements etc.  You were probably on-line while they were deploying the new ReBlog button onto the site. 

The Intermission screen is just our friendly way of saying, “Take A Break, we’ll be right back!” 

It looks so much better than the screen that used to say, “Error – We’re Down For Maintenance!”

Now it reads:

Where can I find the blog customizer tool?  I can’t find a link for it on my home page.

  The ActiveRain Customizer IS on your “My Home” page.  It has been moved around a few times but has finally found a home right next to your ActiveRain Blog link.  Go to “My Home” and on the left sidebar, just below the word BLOGS, you will see “ActiveRain” and next to it a link that says “Customize”, this is where you can add headers, background images, different colored fonts and text etc. 

Don’t forget to check out the “NEW” Custom Blogs Page that went up at 2:00am while members were sleeping.

Later this week I’ll be making a couple exciting announcements regarding our upcoming AR Webinar Training Series, the new ActiveRain Ambassadors and Badge, and something else I have been working on these past few weeks.  This is going to be a very exciting week with the announcements of some great “new” things coming to the “rain!”  Have a great week everybody. 🙂

Week In Review – Top 10 ActiveRain FAQ’s – Volume I
Week In Review – Top 10 ActiveRain FAQ’s – Volume II
Week In Review – Top 10 ActiveRain FAQ’s – Volume III
Week In Review – Top 10 ActiveRain FAQ’s – Volume IV

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