What Type of Blog Content Works? Great question with no right or wrong answer.
Over the past 10 years I have written more than 1000 articles here. My intention was to simply create a library of content, a place where I could archive all my discoveries and knowledge regarding technology, social media, apps, websites, and online tools etc. The sole purpose of this site was to share my findings with others.
At one point I was using this site as my own resource so I could find and recall all the different things I had discovered. I still do to this day and it’s been a huge value for that reason alone. When I look back and ask myself if creating a website and blog was worth it, the answer is definitely “YES” without a doubt and with no regrets.
One never knows when creating a site like this what will become of it? What will people find when searching the web? What will they like, what will they not like, what will they share and what will keep them coming back? The answer will remain a mystery until you actually do it, track it, break it down, analyze it and see for yourself?
These are the top articles in the “most viewed” and “most shared” categories.
Coolest Websites and Online Tools 2012
A compilation of the best free websites and online tools and services available on the Internet. Started January 1st and ended on December 31st 2012. A guaranteed pleaser and a little something for everyone.
The Glory Hole in Lake Berryessa
The ONLY recorded video and story of the amazing Morning Glory (known as the Glory Hole) in Lake Berryessa located in Napa County California. Seeing the video is nothing like seeing it in real life!
Top Mobile Picks for 2013
Nearly every human that walks the earth now owns a mobile device. While many of these links and apps are directed to the iUser, you’ll find them or a comparable app for your specific device as well. Worth a peek for sure.
FREE Image & Graphic Generators
The most socially shared and best resource for accessing and using free images, graphics, and online generators to create the best images, logos, buttons, and graphics etc for your websites and blogs.
Top 50 Google Tools for Business
The title completely covers the reason this one made Top 10. Google has a plethora of tools and services they offer for free that cover a variety of Business and personal needs. Go ahead and count them if in doubt.
500 Ways To Say Happy Birthday
There are so many ways to say Happy Birthday, Hallmark cards has proved that for sure. This is 500+ people who wished someone happy birthday over a popular social network and still gets the most views today.
Creating Hotspot Links on Pictures
Creating a link or hotspot on a graphic or image may seem very technical and challenging but in this article you’ll see how simple it is and even get instructions to create your own. It’s not as hard as you may think.
Best Websites and Online Tools 2013
Just like the 2012 article above, this one shares all new Free sites and services along the same lines but for 2013. There’s many great sites, services and tools online today, this is just a smidgen of what’s out there.
Free Photo & Graphic Editing Sites
Fixing photos, images, and editing graphics etc doesn’t take a degree in design or cost a fortune buying software. You won’t even need to take a class or go to night school to use these free sites.
Enter Contest To Win a FREE House
This article obviously received a ton of attention, views, shares etc. Who wouldn’t want a new house… for FREE? While the contest and sweepstake is now over, this article is still one of the most visited on the site.
So at the end of the day, what type of blogging content works?
As you can see from above, there are a variety of articles covering many different topics. They have excelled beyond the others here based entirely on people’s choices. They have risen to the creme of the crop due to the crowd-sourcing power provided by the Internet.
Whatever you’re truly passionate about writing and sharing with others is great content! It will work and resonate with others but ONLY with those who have similar interests. Now if they decide to go beyond reading and commenting on your stuff, that’s the power. It’s the sharing, linking to, and others promoting your content etc. that indicates your articles and posts are working! 🙂